Zirconia and Cements - Best Practices for Predictable Results
Presenter: Dr. Daniel Poticny
Release Date: 2/24/23
Credits: 1 CEU, Free Self-Study
Expiration Date: 2/24/26
AGD Subject Code: 610
Reviewed: 2025
Zirconia restorations now compromise the bulk of indirect restorations using CAD/CAM at the laboratory or chair primarily due to its reputation for “strength”. Zirconia is a generic name for many types, formulations, and manufacturing methods which influence optics and performance. There is no “on size fits all” at this juncture! With a reputation for being “bulletproof”, clinical reports suggest otherwise. Design, fabrication, handling, and final placement are determinants for predictability. A well fabricated zirconia restoration is only the first step in terms of reliability and doctor/patient satisfaction.
At the conclusion of this CE webinar, you will become familiar with the various zirconia types and how they contribute to esthetics and performance when combined with specific patient needs. You will learn preparation, handling, finishing, and placement with a focus on cementation. Covered and explained will be the implementation of various products and techniques to simplify and improve final outcomes.
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